What’s New in IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2

Frameworks & Technologies Jakarta EE 9 support Ultimate We are ready for the Jakarta EE 9 release in September, and we already support all the features that are available for Jakarta EE,

Frameworks & Technologies

Jakarta EE 9
Jakarta EE 9

Jakarta EE 9 support Ultimate

We are ready for the Jakarta EE 9 release in September, and we already support all the features that are available for Jakarta EE, including CDI, JPA, Batch, Bean Validation, JSF, JAX-RS, WebSocket, Servlets, JSP, JSON-P, JSON-B, Security, and EJB and JTA specifications.

Jakarta EE Wizard

Java Enterprise project wizard Ultimate

If you need to create a Java EE 8 or Jakarta EE 9 project, you can now do it using our New Project wizard. A new Jakarta EE project is just steps away. Set it up by selecting the Java version, build tool, extensions, and other options.

Quarkus properties files support
Quarkus properties files support

Quarkus config files support: .properties and YAML Ultimate

To make it easier for you to work with Quarkus configuration files, the IDE now provides code completion and highlighting, and it colors unused code gray for both .properties and YAML configuration files. Additionally, you can jump right from the configuration files to the configured beans and back.


Better Quarkus CDI support Ultimate

With the current version of the IDE, you can use gutter navigation for injected beans and updated inspections that work perfectly with the Quarkus simplified syntax. Additionally, IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 supports @DefaultBean, @AlternativePriority annotations, and injection by qualifier only (no need to use @Inject).

wagger UI support

Swagger UI support Ultimate

With the newly added Swagger UI integration, it is now possible to preview your OpenAPI in a built-in panel in the IntelliJ IDEA editor. This is a great update for simplifying testing.

Jakarta EE Wizard

Swagger Diff Ultimate

The IDE has been improved so that it can calculate a structural diff between OpenAPI specifications. Knowing the Swagger/OpenAPI specifics, IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 compares JSON or YAML files based on their structure, and you can preview the detected diff. To do so, choose Compare Open API Specifications from the context menu or invoke this action from the Search Everywhere dialog.

Jakarta EE Wizard

Project generation for Micronaut Ultimate

Here is another useful update for the New Project wizard and the Micronaut framework. We’ve added the possibility to create new Micronaut projects directly from the wizard. Configure the project step-by-step and start working with it in no time.

Message Queue support for Micronaut
Message Queue support for Micronaut
Message Queue support for Amazon SQS API

Message Queue support for Micronaut and Amazon SQS API Ultimate

If your Micronaut application uses asynchronous communication via RabbitMQ or Kafka, this update is for you. Navigate message queues and topics using gutter icons, find usages, and name completion. You can benefit from the same set of features for the Amazon SQS API.

JAX-RS and MicroProfile REST Client HTTP Requests Generation

JAX-RS and MicroProfile REST Client HTTP Requests Generation Ultimate

For easy creation and testing of HTTP requests, IntelliJ IDEA will automatically generate JAX-RS and MicroProfile HTTP requests and then open them in the built-in REST Client. You can even use intention actions to generate HTTP requests on any URL if your project uses one of the enterprise frameworks: Spring, JAX-RS, Retrofit, OkHttp, or Micronaut.

URL code completion for REST Assured tests

URL code completion for REST Assured tests Ultimate

We’ve updated REST Assured tests with code completion for URL path references and navigation to the related resources.


Selenium plugin adds integration with Selenoid Ultimate

The Selenium plugin now integrates with Selenoid and provides an easy way to run a new test environment right from the browsers.json file. All required browser images will be pulled automatically when the Selenoid container starts.

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