PostgreSQL 13 new feature

PostgreSQL 13 new feature 1. A big performance leap from 10 to 11. No much…

PostgreSQL 13 new feature

1. A big performance leap from 10 to 11. No much difference between 11 and 12 in terms of performance

2. Vacuum, Security and Consistency, Partition-wise join

3. Vacuum

   – performance for parallel vacuum of indexes

   – Auto vacuum for append-only transacitons

4. Security and Consistency

   – libpq channel binding

     * stop man in the middle attacks

    * Only for SCRAM authentication

   – New capability for pg_catcheck

     * tool for detect the catalog corruption

5. partition-wise join

6. logical replication for partitioned table. from partitioned to non-partitioned and vice versa

7. Backup manifests. part of pg_backbackup.

   – new tool: pg_verifybackup – read manifects and verify the backups


Allow EXPLAIN, auto_explain, autovacuum, and pg_stat_statements to track WAL usage statistics

9.General Performance

Allow hash aggregation to use disk storage for large aggregation result sets


– Partition automation: automatically create partitions when needed without locking

– Interval partition

– Automatic partition for LIST. When enabled, inserting a value not in the initial list, a new partition will be created to accommodate the new value

– Automatic HASH partitioning: PARTITIONS <number> STORE IN <tablespaces>. HASH would be distributed automatically across the specified tablespaces

– EDB*Loader. If any duplicate row, the operation can be configured not to abort but record the duplicated one into BAD file

– Add more Oracle-compatible features

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