What's New in DataGrip 2020.2

What's New in DataGrip 2020.2 SQL editor   New inspections widget   The new inspections widget makes it easier for you to view all the problems in your script and to navigate between them.

What's New in DataGrip 2020.2

SQL editor

New inspections widget   New inspections widget   The new inspections widget makes it easier for you to view all the problems in your script and to navigate between them. It provides detailed information about the number of warnings, errors, and other issues in the current file. You can use the arrow icons to navigate through errors in the files, and of course it’s still possible to navigate through errors using the F2 shortcut. In-place rename   Suggested rename   If you change the name of an object in the code, this tiny button on the toolbar will let you do a refactoring! For example, this is how it works for aliases: Even better JOIN completion   Even better JOIN completion   One less step to complete JOIN clauses: now we offer the whole clause when you start typing ‘JOIN’: Even better JOIN completion   Also, completion offers a way to join by two columns, if applicable: Refresh database quick-fix   Refresh database quick-fix   Sometimes you have unresolved objects in your script. When you do, DataGrip doesn’t understand where these objects are located and suspects that they don’t exist at all. While in many cases this is true, sometimes the objects are unresolved because you just need to tweak the context you are working on.   We’ve added the Refresh database quick-fix, which will help you if an object has been added to the database from somewhere else since the last time you refreshed your database. Introduce variable   Introduce variable   This refactoring is now supported in more dialects: SQL Server, Db2, Exasol, HSQL, Redshift, and Sybase. You can introduce variables from any expression that has a simple type. Google BigQuery dialect   Google BigQuery dialect   We’ve added a new SQL dialect: Google BigQuery. Full support for BigQuery is not here yet, but all things must begin somewhere. So far, DataGrip can correctly highlight and provide coding assistance for your queries if you use Google BigQuery. TextMate bundles   TextMate bundles   TextMate, a text editor for Mac, offers syntax highlighting bundles for many languages. We can import and use them in DataGrip. Starting with this release, the IDE will provide syntax highlighting for the file types registered with the bundle.   Now your Python, JavaScript, Shell, and many other types of files will have syntax highlighting by default. To see all the applicable file types, go to . SQL 2016 for Generic dialect   SQL 2016 for Generic dialect   Now files and consoles that are highlighted with the Generic dialect are highlighted with SQL 2016. Previously, SQL 92 was used. The main improvement from this change is the ability to run common table expressions without selecting any code. Original casing of objects for SQL formatter   Original casing of objects for SQL formatter   Previously, the SQL formatter had three options for modifying object names in your code: to upper case, to lower case or don't change. But it turned out that this was not enough – some people need the object names to be changed according to the casing which was used in the declaration. Now we provide that option. Original casing of objects for SQL formatter   This is how it works: the table Actor was declared with the first letter capitalized and the formatter leaves it unchanged.   A tip: if the declaration is in another sql file, create a DDL data source based on your sql file so that the formatter will use the correct casing. Multiple carets for each line of the selection   Multiple carets for each line of the selection   This new action is another handy way to place multiple carets! Just select the code and invoke multiple carets via or the dedicated shortcut: Shift+Alt+G
上一篇 2024-10-14 12:24


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