
mysql表大小限制_mysql数据库名Solution One: To shrinking a shared InnoDB tablespace is: 1. Backup *all* InnoDB tables with mysqld…

mysql innodb 表过大问题

Solution One:

To shrinking a shared InnoDB tablespace is: 
1. Backup *all* InnoDB tables with mysqldump. 
2. Drop all of the InnoDB tables. 
3. Physically delete the ibdata1 file at the filesystem interface. 
4. Restart MySQL Server, which recreates a new, small tablespace file. 
5. Restore all your InnoDB tables, which expands the tablespace file as needed. 

Solution Two:

To shrink an .ibd file it”s enough to run ALTER TABLE t1 ENGINE INNODB. It will rebuild the tablespace and the new one will be the most compact. I think OPTIMIZE TABLE does exactly the same internally. ALTER TABLE however is preferred because you can use pt-online-schema-change to avoid blocking the table.

To get better understanding how data use the tablespace I would recommend InnoDB tools

For example, to check how many pages are user by PRIMARY secondary indexes and how many free pages:

# /usr/local/bin/innodb_space -f actor.ibd space-extents-illustrate

  Start Page ╭────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
           0 │███▄▂░░                                                         │

Legend (█ = 1 page):
  Page Type                                                         Pages    Ratio
  █ System                                                              3   42.86%
  █ Index 15                                                            1   14.29%
  █ Index 16                                                            1   14.29%
  ░ Free space                                                          2   28.57%


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