大家好,我是考100分的小小码 ,祝大家学习进步,加薪顺利呀。今天说一说oracle添加约束[亲测有效],希望您对编程的造诣更进一步.
- //建测试表
- create table dept( —–部门表
- deptno number(3) primary key,
- dname varchar2(10),
- loc varchar2(13)
- );
- create table employee_info( —-emplpoyee表
- empno number(3),
- deptno number(3),
- ename varchar2(10),
- sex char(1),
- phone number(11),
- address varchar2(50),
- introduce varchar2(100)
- );
- —
- //0.重命名
- //0.1 表:rename dept to dt; ––将dept重命名为dt;
- rename dt to dept; —将dt改回dept表
- //0.2 列:alter table dept rename column loc to location;
- alter table dept rename column location to loc;
- //1.添加约束
- //1.1 primary key
- alter table employee_info add constraint pk_emp_info primary key(empno);
- //1.2 foreign key
- alter table employee_info add constraint fk_emp_info foreign key(deptno)
- references dept(deptno);
- //1.3 check
- alter table employee_info add constraint ck_emp_info check
- (sex in (‘F‘,‘M‘));
- //1.4 not null
- alter table employee_info modify phone constraint not_null_emp_info not null;
- //1.5 unique
- alter table employee_info add constraint uq_emp_info unique(phone);
- //1.6 default
- alter table employee_info modify sex char(2) default ‘M‘;
- //2.添加列
- alter table employee_info add id varchar2(18);
- alter table employee_info add hiredate date default sysdate not null;
- //3.删除列
- alter table employee_info drop column introduce;
- //3.修改列
- //3.1 修改列的长度
- alter table dept modify loc varchar2(50);
- //3.2 修改列的精度
- alter table employee_info modify empno number(2);
- //3.3 修改列的数据类型
- alter table employee_info modify sex char(2);
- //3.4 修改默认值
- alter table employee_info modify hiredate default sysdate+1;
- //4.禁用约束
- alter table employee_info disable constraint uq_emp_info;
- //5.启用约束
- alter table employee_info enable constraint uq_emp_info;
- //6.延迟约束
- alter table employee_info drop constraint fk_emp_info;
- alter table employee_info add constraint fk_emp_info foreign key(deptno)
- references dept(deptno)
- deferrable initially deferred;
- //7.向表中添加注释
- comment on table employee_info is ‘information of employees‘;
- //8.向列添加注释
- comment on column employee_info.ename is ‘the name of employees‘;
- comment on column dept.dname is ‘the name of department‘;
- //9.清除表中所有数据
- truncate table employee_info;
- //10.删除表
- drop table employee_info;
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