大家好,我是考100分的小小码 ,祝大家学习进步,加薪顺利呀。今天说一说汇总数据库信息的存储过程[通俗易懂],希望您对编程的造诣更进一步.
![汇总数据库信息的存储过程[通俗易懂]插图3 汇总数据库信息的存储过程[通俗易懂]](/wp-content/themes/justnews/themer/assets/images/lazy.png)
1 -- -- powered by wanglifeng https://www.cnblogs.com/wanglifeng717 2 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS show_db_info; 3 4 DELIMITER %% 5 CREATE PROCEDURE show_db_info() 6 label:BEGIN 7 -- ############################################################################ 8 -- ############ 打印一个库中每个表的各种信息 ############## 9 -- -- powered by wanglifeng https://www.cnblogs.com/wanglifeng717 10 -- ############################################################################ 11 12 -- 设置库名 13 SET @dbname= DATABASE(); 14 15 16 DROP TABLE if exists fk_tbl; 17 CREATE TABLE if NOT exists fk_tbl as 18 SELECT 19 t.CONSTRAINT_TYPE AS "fk", 20 t.TABLE_NAME AS "tbl_name", 21 t.CONSTRAINT_NAME AS "fk_name", 22 k.COLUMN_NAME AS "fk_col", 23 CONCAT( 24 "来自 ", 25 k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, 26 " 表 (", 27 k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, 28 ")" 29 ) AS "come_from" 30 FROM 31 information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS t 32 JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k 33 ON t.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME 34 AND t.TABLE_NAME = k.TABLE_NAME 35 AND t.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = k.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA 36 WHERE t.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = "FOREIGN KEY" 37 AND t.table_schema = DATABASE() ; 38 39 DROP TABLE if EXISTS index_tbl; 40 CREATE table if not exists index_tbl as 41 SELECT 42 IF( 43 non_unique = 0, 44 "唯一键", 45 "索引" 46 ) AS "index_type", 47 TABLE_NAME AS "tbl_name", 48 index_name AS "index_name", 49 column_name AS "index_col", 50 s.SEQ_IN_INDEX AS "order", 51 (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(i.column_name ORDER BY i.seq_in_index) FROM information_schema.statistics i WHERE i.table_schema = DATABASE() and i.table_name=s.table_name AND i.index_name=s.index_name GROUP BY i.index_name) AS "bind_col" 52 FROM 53 information_schema.statistics s 54 WHERE table_schema = DATABASE(); 55 56 -- SELECT * FROM index_tbl; 57 58 59 60 61 -- ######################################################################## 62 -- 打印表信息 63 -- ######################################################################## 64 65 SET @help_code=" 66 -- 表注释: @tbl_comment 67 68 -- 字段列表:@allColumnList 69 70 call insert_code_generator("@in_var_tbl_name"); 71 72 call select_code_generator("@in_var_tbl_name","list|obj","static_query_col","dynamic_query_col","list_query_col"); 73 74 call update_code_generator("@in_var_tbl_name","update_col","dynamic_update_col","static_query_col","dynamic_query_col","list_query_col"); 75 76 call tbl_query("@in_var_tbl_name","*"," where 1=1 limit 50 ","32"); 77 78 call insert_sql_generator("@in_var_tbl_name","exclude_col_list"); 79 80 call delete_drop_sql_generator("WHERE "2021-05-19 22:19:56.724" <= LEFT(create_time,23) and LEFT(create_time,23)<="2021-05-19 22:19:56.728"","include_tbl_list","exclude_tbl_list","0"); 81 /* 82 方法使用帮助: 83 -- -- powered by wanglifeng https://www.cnblogs.com/wanglifeng717 84 insert代码生成器用法: 85 insert_code_generator( in_var_tbl_name[要插入的表名] ) 86 87 select代码生成器用法: 88 select_code_generator 89 ( in_var_tbl_name [要查询的表] 90 ,in_var_return_type [返回类型,list|ojb] 91 ,in_static_col_list [静态查询条件,字段列表,形如:"id,name,code"] 92 ,in_dynamic_col_list [动态查询条件,字段列表,形如:"id,name,code"] 93 ,in_list_col_list [动态集合in查询条件字段列表,形如:"id,name,code"] 94 ) 95 96 update代码生成器用法: 97 update_code_generator 98 ( in_var_tbl_name [要查询的表] 99 ,in_var_update_col_list [要更新的字段列表] 100 ,in_var_dynamic_update_col_list [要动态更新的字段列表] 101 ,in_static_col_list [静态查询条件,字段列表,形如:"id,name,code"] 102 ,in_dynamic_col_list [动态查询条件,字段列表,形如:"id,name,code"] 103 ,in_list_col_list [动态集合in查询条件字段列表,形如:"id,name,code"] 104 ) 105 106 高级查询工具用法: 107 tbl_query 108 ( in_var [要查询的表] 109 ,in_col [需要查询的字段,*代表全部,可定制,形如:"id,name,code"] 110 ,in_where [where条件,支持limit] 111 ,in_sub_limit [子查询limit限制条数] ) 112 113 insert_sql生成器用法: 114 insert_sql_generator 115 ( tbl_name_list [要生成insert-sql的表名列表:例如:"tbl_name1,tbl_name2,tbl_name3"] 116 ,exclude_col_list [不需要打印的字段列表: 例如:"name,code,id"] ) 117 118 delete_drop_sql生成器用法: 119 delete_drop_sql_generator 120 (var_where [where条件,例如:" where LEFT(CREATE_time,19)>"2021-08-04""] 121 ,var_include_tbl_list [要包含的表名列表,优先于var_exclude_tbl_list,例如:"tbl_name1,tbl_name2"] 122 ,var_exclude_tbl_list [要排除的表名列表,仅在var_include_tbl_list为空时生效,例如:"tbl_name1,tbl_name2"] 123 ,var_greater_than_value[符合where条件要过滤的值,count(*)>=0 ] 124 ) 125 */ 126 127 128 "; 129 130 -- 表名,注释名 131 SELECT 132 (@row_id:=@row_id +1) AS "序号", 133 s.table_name AS "表名", 134 s.table_comment AS "注释", 135 136 /* 137 -- 格式化对齐输出所有字段的注释 138 "字段注释:"{ 139 "id" : "物理主键(自增)", 140 "name" : "物品名称", 141 "description" : "描述", 142 "status" : "状态(1有效,0无效,2初始状态)", 143 "create_time" : "创建时间", 144 "last_update_time" : "更新时间"} 145 */ 146 (SELECT 147 CONCAT_WS("",""字段注释:"{ ", 148 GROUP_CONCAT( 149 CONCAT_WS("", 150 CONCAT_WS( "",""",t.COLUMN_NAME,"":") 151 ,repeat(" ", 152 ( 153 (SELECT MAX(length(CONCAT_WS( "",""",s.COLUMN_NAME,"""))) FROM information_schema.columns s WHERE s.TABLE_SCHEMA= DATABASE() and s.TABLE_NAME=t.TABLE_NAME) 154 - 155 LENGTH(CONCAT_WS( "",""",t.COLUMN_NAME,""")) 156 ) 157 ) 158 /*第三列:注释*/ 159 , 160 -- "tbl_cbm_user_info的uuid | varchar(64) | 非空 | 默认值: null | 字符编码: utf8mb4 | 校验编码: utf8mb4_bin | 索引 | idx_ali_user_info_user_uuid(user_uuid)" 161 CONCAT_WS("",""",t.column_comment," | ",t.COLUMN_TYPE," | ",if(t.is_nullable="YES","可空","非空"),case t.COLUMN_KEY when "PRI" then " | 主键" else "" END 162 ,CONCAT_WS(""," | 默认值: ",IFNULL(t.COLUMN_DEFAULT,"null")) 163 ,CONCAT(""," | 字符编码: ",t.CHARACTER_SET_NAME) 164 ,CONCAT(""," | 校验编码: ",t.COLLATION_NAME) 165 ,( 166 IFNULL( 167 ( 168 SELECT 169 GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT(" | ",index_type,": ","(",bind_col,")")SEPARATOR "") 170 FROM index_tbl i WHERE i.tbl_name =t.TABLE_NAME AND i.index_col =t.COLUMN_NAME 171 ) 172 ," | 无索引") 173 ) 174 , 175 -- | 外键: fk_ali_user_info_user_uuid来自 tbl_cbm_user_info 表 (uuid) 176 ( 177 SELECT 178 CONCAT(" | 外键: ",come_from) 179 FROM fk_tbl f WHERE f.tbl_name =t.TABLE_NAME AND f.fk_col=t.COLUMN_NAME 180 ) 181 182 ,""") 183 -- ----------------------------------------------------- 184 ) ORDER BY t.ORDINAL_POSITION SEPARATOR ", " 185 )," }" 186 ) 187 FROM information_schema.columns t 188 WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() and t.TABLE_NAME=s.table_name 189 ) AS "字段列表", 190 REPLACE( 191 replace( 192 REPLACE(@help_code,"@tbl_comment",s.TABLE_COMMENT) 193 ,"@in_var_tbl_name" 194 ,s.TABLE_NAME 195 ) 196 ,"@allColumnList" 197 ,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t.COLUMN_NAME) FROM information_schema.columns t WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA= DATABASE() and t.TABLE_NAME=s.TABLE_NAME) 198 ) AS "工具合集", 199 s.table_rows AS "记录数", 200 TRUNCATE(s.data_length / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS "数据容量(MB)", 201 TRUNCATE(s.index_length / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS "索引容量(MB)", 202 s.create_time AS "创建时间" 203 FROM 204 information_schema.tables s 205 JOIN (SELECT @row_id:=0) temp 206 WHERE s.table_schema = @dbname 207 AND s.table_name NOT IN ("index_tbl","fk_tbl") 208 ORDER BY s.data_length DESC,s.index_length DESC ; 209 210 211 212 -- ######################################################################## 213 -- 外键约束 214 -- ######################################################################## 215 216 217 SELECT 218 (@row_id:=@row_id +1) AS "序号", 219 t.CONSTRAINT_TYPE AS "约束类型", 220 t.TABLE_NAME AS "表名", 221 t.CONSTRAINT_NAME AS "约束名", 222 k.COLUMN_NAME AS "相关列", 223 CONCAT("来自 ", k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, " 表 (", k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, ")" ) AS "来自" 224 FROM 225 information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS t 226 JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k 227 JOIN (SELECT @row_id:=0) temp 228 ON t.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME 229 AND t.TABLE_NAME = k.TABLE_NAME 230 AND t.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = k.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA 231 WHERE t.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = "FOREIGN KEY" 232 AND t.table_schema = @dbname AND t.table_name NOT IN ("index_tbl","fk_tbl"); 233 234 235 -- ######################################################################## 236 -- 索引列表 237 -- ######################################################################## 238 239 SELECT 240 (@row_id:=@row_id +1) AS "序号",t.* 241 FROM 242 ( 243 SELECT 244 IF(non_unique = 0,"unique","normal_index") AS "索引类型", 245 TABLE_NAME AS "表名", 246 index_name AS "索引名", 247 GROUP_CONCAT(column_name ORDER BY seq_in_index) AS "相关列" 248 FROM 249 information_schema.statistics 250 WHERE table_schema = @dbname AND table_name IN (SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = @dbname) 251 AND table_name NOT IN ("index_tbl","fk_tbl") 252 GROUP BY TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME 253 ) t 254 JOIN (SELECT @row_id:=0) temp; 255 256 257 DROP TABLE if EXISTS index_tbl; 258 DROP TABLE if exists fk_tbl; 259 260 261 END %% 262 DELIMITER ; 263 264 CALL show_db_info();
本文来自思创斯聊编程,作者:wanglifeng,转载请注明原文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/wanglifeng717/p/15830527.html
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