英语教案Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?

英语教案Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section A Teaching Goals: Learn some new words and phrases. Learn how to receive guests. Learn how …

Section A

Teaching Goals:

  1. Learn some new words and phrases.
  2. Learn how to receive guests.
  3. Learn how to ask someone’s occupations.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

  1. Say the words about occupations. 
  2. expressions about greeting and asking somebody’s occupation.

Teaching Procedure:

  Step 1   Introduction

1.Focus their attention on the teacher.

2.Do duty report. Students make self-introduction.

3.Help the students to express correctly.

  Step 2   Presentation

  1. Ask the students some questions to lead to the topic-occupations.  
  2. Learn some new words about occupations

home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse

e.g. T: What do I do?       S: You are a teacher. 

T: What do you do?     S: I am a student.

4.Look at the pictures of occupations which are shown by the teacher and learn some new words.

e.g.   T: What does he/she do?        S: He/She is a/an…

Step3   Consolidation

  1. Look at the pictures in 1a. Guess what the students may talk about in the conversation.
  2. Listen to 1a and complete the table in 1b while listening.

3.Listen to 1a again and fill in the blanks:

Maria: Kangkang, what does your ______ do?

Kangkang: She is a ______.

Jane: And your ______?

Kangkang: He is a doctor. Michael, what do your _______ do?

Step4   Practice

  1. Pair work:

Make up conversations with the structures and words in pairs. Then report to the class.

  1. Group work:

Show some picture cards about occupations.Look at the pictures about occupations which are shown by the teacher.

Step5  Homework

1.Recite the dialog in 1a.

2. Make a survey about what your friend’s parents do, then make a report.

3. Preview Section B.

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